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Generating High Quality Input

Faker.js Support in Pineapple

Starting in v0.18.0, Pineapple now has first-class support for Faker.js, a library that generates high-quality mock data for testing.

With this new feature, Pineapple users can now apply the @faker annotation to create high quality mocks in conjunction with our existing fuzz technology.

/* in a `.test.ts` file somewhere */

* @faker
export function User (faker: Faker): User {
return {
userId: faker.datatype.uuid(),
username: faker.internet.userName(),
avatar: faker.image.avatar(),
password: faker.internet.password(),

This function takes in the Faker instance and returns an object that represents a user.

Once you have imported your User function (via @faker), you can refer to it using #User in a @test case:

* @test #User
export function register(user: User) {
return {
success: true,
message: `Welcome ${user.username}!`

Producing output much like the following:

An example of the snapshot functionality where the code is modified and the snapshot fails due to a renamed attribute