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Output Format


By default, Pineapple will try to print the tests in a "pretty" format that makes it easy to for a developer to process the information in the terminal.

✔ Passed test (fib): 1
✔ Passed test (fib): 3
✔ Passed test (fib): 10
✔ Passed test (add): 1, 2
✔ Passed test (add): '4', 3 throws
✔ Passed test (add): 1, '0' throws
✔ Passed test (add): -1, 1
✔ Passed test (add): -1, 1 to 0
✖ Failed test (add): -1, 1 to -1

If, however, you instead use -f json or environment variable OUTPUT_FORMAT=JSON, you will instead get an NDJSON stream that will describe the tests.

{"type":"Success","name":"add","input":"1, 2","file":"file:///Users/jesse/Documents/Projects/pineapple/test/math.js:2"}
{"type":"Success","name":"add","input":"'4', 3 throws","file":"file:///Users/jesse/Documents/Projects/pineapple/test/math.js:3"}
{"type":"Success","name":"add","input":"1, '0' throws","file":"file:///Users/jesse/Documents/Projects/pineapple/test/math.js:4"}
{"type":"Success","name":"add","input":"-1, 1","file":"file:///Users/jesse/Documents/Projects/pineapple/test/math.js:5"}
{"type":"Success","name":"add","input":"-1, 1 to 0","file":"file:///Users/jesse/Documents/Projects/pineapple/test/math.js:6"}
{"type":"Failure","name":"add","input":"-1, 1 to -1","message":"- Expected\n+ Received\n\n- -1\n+ 0","file":"file:///Users/jesse/Documents/Projects/pineapple/test/math.js:7"}

JSON Documentation


type: "Success",
name: string, // the name of the function
input: string, // the test case being executed
file: string // the file path and line number

This NDJSON is logged when a test case passes.


type: "Failure",
name: string, // the name of the function
input: string, // the test case being executed
message: string, // the reason that the test case failed.
file: string // the file path and line number

This NDJSON is logged when a test case fails.

Parse Failure

type: "Parse Failure",
name: string, // the name of the function
input: string, // the test case being executed
message: string, // the reason that the parsing failed.
file: string // the file path and line number

This NDJSON is logged when a test case fails to parse.

Execution Failure

type: "Runtime Failure",
name: string, // the name of the error
message: string // the error's message

This NDJSON is logged when a test case fails to execute due to some sort of error within the test case execution itself.

Skipped Test

type: "Test Skipped",
name: string, // the name of the function,
file: string // the file path and file number

This NDJSON is logged when a test case is skipped due to it not being present.

Request Snapshot

type: "Request Snapshot",
item: string, // the serialized data for the item
input: string, // the test case
id: string, // the id that the snapshot would be saved to
file: string // the file number and the line number

This NDJSON is logged when a test case requests a snapshot to be created for the first time.

Request Snapshot Update

type: "Request Snapshot Update",
old: string, // the serialized data for the old data in the snapshot
new: string, // the serialized data for the new data that could be snapshotted
input: string, // the test case
id: string, // the id that the snapshot would be saved to
file: string // the file number and the line number

This NDJSON is logged when a test case asks if a snapshot should be updated.


If writing an IDE Integration, for writing / updating snapshots, you may wish to call pineapple with

-a --only <file from json>, as this will force it to accept a snapshot for that test only.