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Data Tables

Since data tables are common in scenario frameworks, Pineapple exposes a few utilities for importing data tables as arbitraries (which makes it easier to try a handful of possibilities).

The library tries to support both Cucumber-style tables and markdown-style tables.

Header Table

If you'd like the entries to be read in as objects, use "Header Table" to indicate that the first row should be parsed as keys for the table.

* @pineapple_define
export const Books = HeaderTable('Books', `
| title | author |
| ------------------------------------ | ----------- |
| The Devil in the White City | Erik Larson |
| The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | C.S. Lewis |
| In the Garden of Beasts | Erik Larson |

This will pull each of the entries into #Books, the name given in the method.

Array Table

If there is no header, and you'd prefer for each row to be split into an array, use ArrayTable.

* @pineapple_define
export const ArrayBooks = HeaderTable('ArrayBooks', `
| The Devil in the White City | Erik Larson |
| The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | C.S. Lewis |
| In the Garden of Beasts | Erik Larson |

Example Usage

import { Steps, HeaderTable } from 'pineapple'
import assert from 'assert'

type Book = { title: string, author: string }
const { Given, When, Then, Scenario } = Steps<{ book: Book, inStock: number }>()

Given("a book titled {title} written by {author}", function ({ title, author }) { = { title, author }
this.inStock = library.getCountInStock(

When("I return the book to the library", function () {

Then("there should be one more of this book available in the library", function () {
assert.equal(this.inStock + 1, library.getCountInStock(

* @pineapple_define
export const Books = HeaderTable('Books', `
| title | author |
| ------------------------------------ | ----------- |
| The Devil in the White City | Erik Larson |
| The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe | C.S. Lewis |
| In the Garden of Beasts | Erik Larson |

* The following will run the scenario with each of the books
* in the table.
* @test #Books resolves
export const ReturnBooks = Scenario`
Given a book titled {title} written by {author}
When I return the book to the library
Then there should be one more of this book available in the library`