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What is this?

Pineapple is a test framework designed to remove the cruft from writing unit tests and creating snapshots.

* Adds numbers together for the sake of demonstrating pineapple.
* @test 1, 2 returns 3
* @test '1', 2 throws "Not a number"
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
export function add(a, b) {
if (typeof a !== 'number' || typeof b !== 'number') throw new Error('Not a number')
return a + b

Pineapple allows you to embed a few example test-cases in your JSDocs, making it easier to focus on your code and less on defining it & expect chains.

When you omit conditions from your test cases, Pineapple will automatically capture the result of your test & snapshot it, making it easier to preserve expected behavior in your applications, and even easier for users to find examples on how to call your code.

An example of the snapshot functionality where the code is modified and the snapshot fails due to a renamed attribute

To Install

npm i pineapple --save-dev


yarn add pineapple --dev

Alternatively, you may install the runner globally (add a -g flag).

To Run

Usage: pineapple [options]

-V, --version output the version number
-i, --include <files...> Comma separated globs of files to include.
-e, --exclude <files...> Comma separated globs of files to exclude.
-w, --watch-mode Will run tests only when a file is modified.
-a, --accept-all Accept all snapshots.
-u, --update-all Update all snapshots.
-t, --transpile Enables transpilation.
--typescript Enables transpilation for TypeScript. (legacy flag)
--timeout <milliseconds> The timeout for each test. (default: "5000")
--strict Enables additional checks to enforce better testing, namely validating that all snapshots are used.
--clean Cleans up unused snapshots.
--omit-snapshot-inputs Omits input from being captured in snapshots for fuzz testing.
--only <lines...> Allows you to specify which tests you would like to run.
--fuzz-runs <amount> The number of runs that fuzz tests perform. (default: "100")
--snapshot-fuzz-runs <amount> The number of runs that fuzz tests perform on a snapshot. (default: "10")
-f, --format <format> The output format (choices: "json", "console", default: "console")
--bun Uses Bun as the test runner.
-h, --help display help for command


pineapple -w -i "src/**/*.js" # Starts Pineapple in "watch mode" so that it'll run on update.